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New Year Lunar Journey
Cacao Edition

Image by Claudio Testa

Let's start the year expanding our hearts with the gentle medicine of cacao and personal rituals.

Experience the benefits of this ancient plant medicine as we use it to open our hearts and connect with ourselves and those around us. We will start our. journey on the 1st Full Moon of 2024, setting the tone and intention for the kind of year that we will co-create.


Connecting with our inner guidance systems through the practices of observation, intention setting and journaling, we will also be assisted by the spirit of Theobroma Cacao.

In Greek theobroma literally means "food of the gods" (Theo = gods; broma=food). Cacao beans are indigenous to South America and have been used to prepare a hot drink with stimulant and restorative cardiovascular properties.


Some of you may know that for the last 3 years Christi has been working with this gentle plant medicine from the Talamanca region of Costa Rica under the guidance and tutelage of Cacao Magic, a small family owned cacao company that works directly with the indigenous Bribri community. During this journey we will have the. pleasure and honor of receiving a Master Class with Cacao Magic co-founder and intuitive healer, Noa Geva, followed by a Q&A.


The New Year Journey consists of:

🌒 3 online gatherings/ ceremonies and lifetime access to the recordings

🌒 Unique Lunar Journey Journal full of simple daily rituals

🌒 Daily Affirmations

🌒 Access to private Whatsapp group

🌒 Unlimited access to Christi's Movement Medicine live & recorded classes

🌘 Optional Cacao Magic 100% pure medicinal cacao* 


Full Moon Opening Ceremony : 26th of January

New Moon Ceremony : 9th of February

Full Moon Closing Ceremony : 23rd of February


*You must register by the 15th of January to receive your cacao on time.If you already have cacao, you are welcomed to use it. We do strongly recommend that it is Cacao Magic or 100% unroasted medicinal cacao.

Sliding Scale: 

With Cacao: $115 - $555
Without Cacao: $55 - $555


Please contact with any questions or just to drop a note and say hi!


Wishing you and yours a very blessed, peaceful and prosperous 2024 ♥️

  • Feb 23, 2024, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM EST
    Let's start the year expanding our hearts with cacao & mindfulness. Experience the benefits of this ancient plant medicine as we use it to open our hearts and connect with ourselves and those around us, while setting the tone and intention for the kind of year that we will co-create.
  • Feb 09, 2024, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM EST
    Let's start the year expanding our hearts with cacao & mindfulness. Experience the benefits of this ancient plant medicine as we use it to open our hearts and connect with ourselves and those around us, while setting the tone and intention for the kind of year that we will co-create.
  • Jan 26, 2024, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM EST
    Let's start the year expanding our hearts with cacao & mindfulness while setting the tone and intention for 2024! Sliding Scale:  With Cacao: $115 - $555 Without Cacao: $55 - $555
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